Sunday, August 29, 2010

Halfway There

Good morning! I've been meaning to write for the past few days, but just haven't gotten around to it. Wednesday was pretty busy because I had a psychology experiment after class, then went to the gym for a while. This time I did the elliptical for 45 on level 9. Setting the difficulty to a harder definitely makes a difference. I felt the burn! After the elliptical I did some light weights exercises for my arms and tried out a few of the weight machines. Trying out new exercises and machines always turns out to be fun. And, boy, was I sore! Thursday I had class, another psychology experiment, then an interview for a position at a frozen yogurt store opening up down the street from me. A friend and I thought we were clever to apply online since the building had no "now hiring" sign, but apparently so many others had the same idea. I feel like the interview went well, but we'll see what happens.
Now onto the weekend! I started Friday morning with a short 2.5 mile run since I had to run 7 miles the next day. After the run I leisurely got ready for class and ate breakfast. I ended up having a lot of free time because my professor canceled out advertising class, so all I only needed to go to Italian. I spent hours that afternoon studying and doing homework. It turned out to be somewhat relaxing though because I started outside in the warm weather, then moved inside to some comfy chairs in the TV room. By the time evening rolled around, I accomplished more than I originally planned. Less homework for the rest of the weekend! At around 7:15, my friend Brittany came over and a group of us headed downtown to eat some frozen yogurt.

I hadn't eaten dinner yet and didn't want to ruin my appetite, so I just went along for the ride. Next Sunday after my race though I am soooo getting Menchie's fro yo! I can't wait for it! Self-serve is the best. And the thought of a refreshing fro yo after running the hardest 10k in America makes me jump for joy. After everyone finished their desserts, we arrived back at the house for our movie night! Brittany brought over her Disney movies, so we chose to watch The Little Mermaid. What a great movie! None of us could remember the last time we watched it, so it was the perfect movie choice!
Yesterday (Saturday) the morning started early with my alarm set for 6:30. Two of my friends and I met up with a running group that's training for the Athens Half Marathon. I had been nervously awaiting this run throughout the week because it was a 7 mile route. The only other time I ran 7 miles was just by myself at my own slow pace. Surprisingly, I kept up well with the others at their pace and felt strong the entire time. By 9:30 we were back at the house and already felt super accomplished. But the day was far from over. After lunch I went shopping with a friend and bought some cute tops that I desperately need. It wasn't until I returned to campus this fall that I realized how scant my wardrobe was as a result of having to wear uniforms to my jobs everyday this summer. We had a lot of fun at the mall and were great shopping buddies! By the time I got back home I was TIRED, so Colleen and I watched some TV and played around on our laptops. After dinner we went to the theater to see Eat. Pray. Love. It was fantastic! One of those inspiring movies that makes you want to travel the globe. Now I'm inspired to start planning my vacation to Italy.
Now onto Sunday! Slept in until 8:15, ate breakfast, did homework, showered, then got dressed. Then I headed to the flea market with the roommate to pick up some movies. I bought Despicable Me, Dinner with Schmucks, Date Night, Toy Story 3, and Inception all for $2 a piece! I forgot to take a picture of the flea market until we already left most of the action.

We stopped by Kroger on the way home because I noticed this morning that my shampoo supply is getting low. I know I wasn't going to spend any money on food this weekend, but I couldn't resist buying some apples and a small bag of grapes. I just can't get full unless I eat lots of fruits and veggies, which are somewhat difficult to get at the house during the weekends.
On another note, I think I want this GPS watch for Christmas. I've read great reviews about it and it would be really handy and useful now that I run so often. What do you think?

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