Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Salad all around!

It's been a few days since I've updated, so this post will have to cover a lot. Let's start with Sunday. My family came to visit me! They drove from home to bring me out to lunch to The Last Resort. I'm so bummed because I completely forgot to bring my camera. But I ordered my usual egg white omelet with spinach, tomatoes, and feta. It was delicious as always! It's served with roasted potatoes and fruit, but I gave the potatoes away to my brother. I'm not a big potato fan, unless it's a sweet potato of course. After lunch we drove to a sports equipment store for my brother to pick up some things for football and baseball. We ended up going to Academy Sports, which was a pretty nice place. It was huge and the prices were reasonable. Afterward, we made a trip to Wal-mart to buy my brother school supplies for his first day of school and to buy me some things. After showing them the house, they said goodbye and drove home. It's always super sad when they leave, but at least I'm in the sorority house this year. Last year it was always so depressing having to walk back to my dorm. The house this year is so much nicer!
Now onto Monday! I got up before class to run 4.7 miles and it felt great. I was practically sprinting at the end. I'm kind of bummed b/c my running buddies dropped out of the half marathon, but I will persevere! I know I can do it! The main motivating factor for me right now is the amazing feeling that I know will come after I finish the race. It will be a good way to start off the holiday season (Halloween is the next weekend). Then I showered, went to class, ate lunch, and did homework. At 5 we had our first Chapter of the year, so everyone was dressed up and excited to get some info. It was productive and overall very enjoyable. Let's hope it stays this way. :)
Today I had class, then did my homework after lunch. My teachers actually gave me stuff to do today. Luckily, I had some free time to do some shopping for ------(it's a secret). Anyways, it was fun to get off campus for a bit and take a break from homework. Chef Curry served dinner at 5:30, so I packed a late plate since I had to leave for orchestra at 6. Normally I would be able to eat in half an hour, but by the time I actually get my food and sit down it's already 5:45. But at least I got a picture of my late plate!

I grabbed some salad from lunch because I knew Chef Curry made grilled chicken for tonight. I put the grilled chicken on top of the salad and had the veggies on the side. I would have eaten more veggies, but he uses butter, which makes me feel sick. Next time I'm just going to stick with the salad. Orchestra was better this week for some reason. The whole group just sounded more together. Probably because people were less scared to actually play out. Well, I've got to get ready for bed soon. Good night!

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